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Transition from Winter to Spring

Spring is all about reawakening, re-birthing, cleansing, purifying, and starting a new chapter in our diet and lifestyle. It is an exciting time! – A time to awaken the body, mind and soul, cleanse the systems, remove the winter veil and put the spring back into our step.

I absolutely love the transition from Winter to Spring. It feels as if there is a light at the end of the dark winter tunnel! We survived!!!  We have had our fair share of winter and lets be honest this year in particular we have endured so much. Although it is normal to feel in a rut at this time of year you may also feel like you are ready to awaken and get out of your funk. You may notice you are craving different foods and that you are longing for change and renewed energy. The body is ready to enter into a Cleansing Phase so it can feel revived, refreshed and restored.

One of my favorite teachings in my nutritional tool box is Seasonal Eating. There is perfection and wisdom to the foods Mother Nature provides for us at each season. There is magnificence to the way in which we need to nourish ourselves and when we awaken to that beauty and sacredness of eating our relationship with food elevates. When we eat the right seasonal foods and change our lifestyle accordingly, we maintain balance in our health –we actually prevent getting sick!  

In Spring, it is essential to embrace pungent (radish, broccoli sprouts, kohlrabi,ginger), bitter (Swiss chard, dandelion greens, arugula, microgreens)and astringent (teas, burdock root, parsley, raw vegetables) tastes, to name a few,  that help to stimulate metabolism, burn the excess body fat we accumulated throughout Winter and detoxify the liver. Our lifestyle in Spring also needs stimulation, excitement and change to help reset our energy and spirit.

Spring is nature’s New Year and it sets the nutritional tone for the rest of the year. It is is the most important time of year to change our diet and lifestyle because it sets our health up properly for the rest of the year. If we do not transition out of winter properly and in the right time and if we fail to take in the intentional seasonal foods and make a shift in our lifestyle, it is common to experience low immunity, stagnation, heaviness, fatigue, weight gain, toxicity and depression.Overtime this leads to even more imbalance, dis-ease and disharmony within the body, mind and soul.

Spring is all about reawakening, re-birthing, cleansing, purifying, and starting a new chapter in our diet and lifestyle. It is an exciting time! – A time to awaken the body, mind and soul, cleanse the systems, remove the winter veil and put the spring back into our step.

I hope you will join me for my annual Spring Eating Lecture on March 15th and my 30 Day Spring Eliminate & Illuminate Program and learn all about the wisdom of Seasonal Eating - one of the most important nutritional practices to cultivate - and what you can specifically do with your diet and lifestyle to support this seasonal transition. It is time to close the door on winter and open a new door to Spring. Together may we welcome the season of cleansing, renewal, rejuvenation and new beginnings.


 Yours in health & vitality,



Upcoming Spring Programs

Seasonal Eating: Transitioning to a Spring Diet and Lifestyle

Join Amy Bondar, Nutritional Therapist, Author and Speaker for this insightful, practical and inspiring lecture

*Learn about the importance of seasonal eating and how eating seasonally is essential to prevent illness and disharmony in the body

*Learn about the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda and how it applies to Seasonal Eating

*Find out which foods are most balancing for Spring and which are most important to avoid

*Learn how to burn off your winter weight naturally

*Receive new seasonal meal suggestions and recipes

* Learn how to cleanse and detox the right way

Get out of your Winter funk and put the Spring back in your step!

Date: Monday March 15th, 7-8:30pm

Virtual and Complimentary

Register: amy@amybondar.com to receive your webinar link


Join the 30 Day Eliminate & Illuminate Program - starting March 20th.

The most effective, fun and supportive way to cleanse and restore! Register today!

Connect with Amy today to start nourishing your body, mind and soul.

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